tomorrow will make it one year since i promised to do a post with this title. i guess good things really come to those who wait, because this is the perfect post for it. during my mother’s birthday dinner at the normandie hotel, my father and i tasted a cranberry sauce that was quite nice. he called me on christmas eve and asked “what yuh say was in that cranberry sauce again?”. “i think i was tasting x and y if i had to guess.” was my response. (the ingredients shall remain nameless for now to maxmize impact later on) “yessssss! aight, ah gone.” he replied. little did i know he was in the middle of preparing everything already. when i arrived on christmas morning, the main stuff was already done, but guess what he was about to prepare? yup… the cranberry sauce. in other words, the source of my inspiration in the kitchen was in the kitchen preparing a sauce inspired by a sauce that inspired me to try cranberry sauce on my turkey for the first time ever. i thought it was ripe for a saucy entry.
so he started off by getting the two secret ingredients:
next, he got out some jellied cranberry sauce. we have this every year, but i never put it on my turkey. the jelly just isn’t my thing.
balanced out the flavours wth a little sugar. it thickened up nicely and had this sweet and spicy flavour that was reminicent of the sauce that inspired the effort. i had to try it on my turkey.
so i did. it worked. i don’t like a lot of sweet stuff, but this was just right. it played a good supporting role.
thanks to the sauce, the falvours changed up again this year and it was another meal worth remembering.
1 Comment
as usual..that meal looks great!!!!!!!!!