my taste of taste t&t

this year, taste t&t took a different direction. instead of what i considered an irrelevant display of all the pricey restaurants this side of the lighthouse plus benihana, tdc took it to the communities. well, kinda at least. for three consecutive sundays, taste t&t issued culinary challenges that intended to name the best fish broth,… Continue reading my taste of taste t&t

japs again

a while ago i went on a run to sample this glorious japs chicken people were talking about. i think more than one referral warrants a try out, so when my cuz suggested a detour while we were picking up our friend fish at the airport, i was all for it. in my review i… Continue reading japs again

a lil something about sweet nothings

i’ve always wondered what sweet nothings were and why one would whisper them into an ear. well one saturday morning, i got the best explanation to date. sweet nothings is the name of a fantastic little business that produces eye catching edible arrangements in tacarigua. seems like they’ve really been whispering, because i never heard… Continue reading a lil something about sweet nothings

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