Once you master Choux Pastry, you can switch it up with either savoury or sweet fillings. The world of éclairs, croquembouche, cream puffs, profiteroles, one of many types of petit fours etc. are open to you. You can be creative with your fillings and make a simple item, the star of an event or home lime.
A very simple recipe below to get you started. This is my go-to recipe for small quantities and can be easily doubled or cut in half. This recipe is not designed for scaling so please do not try to convert and weigh the flour. Scaling the butter is acceptable.

Pâte à Choux Ingredients
- 1 cup Water
- 4 oz Butter (unsalted)
- ¾ tsp Sugar (white or brown)
- ¼ tsp Salt
- 1 cup All Purpose Flour
- 4 Eggs, medium (220 ml liquid volume)
- Sift the flour and crack your eggs into a measuring cup/jug.
- Preheat your oven to 210C/400F. NB: Every oven is different, and you need between the temperatures 375°F- 400°F or 190°C- 210°C. Convection Oven temperatures; 375°F-385°F 190C-195C. Pâte à Choux needs an extremely hot oven, where within the first 20 minutes it puffs up without burning. If your oven isn’t hot enough you will get a heavy product feeling very doughy and looking like a spaceship. Do test a small batch (two- three) at the temperatures listed above and adjust accordingly.
- In a pot or saucepan, add the water, butter, salt and sugar and stir over medium heat and bring to a boil.
- Immediately reduce the heat to the lowest temperature and using the back of a wooden spoon stir in the flour and beat until it is absorbed fully, and you have a tender dough that has moved away from the side of the pan.
- Cook over medium heat for one to two mins more and transfer to your mixing bowl.
- Pipe or spoon as desired onto a parchment/wax paper lined baking tray (a light layer of baking/cooking spray or vegetable shortening can be used on paper to assist removal after baking).
- Place in preheated oven for 20 mins ensuring to not open the oven during this set time. (see note on ovens) When 20 minutes have passed, reduce heat to 190°C /375°F or 180°C/350°F and bake for exactly 8 – 10 minutes more. Rotate your baking tray if your oven isn’t convection and prone to uneven baking. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! Your éclair shells are done!
- Immediately slide the parchment paper with éclair shells onto cooling rack and rapidly but carefully remove the puffs from the paper.
- Leave to cool for 20 minutes before final filling, decoration and immediate eating.This can be frozen in an airtight freezer bag and reheated in the microwave for 8-15 seconds depending on the microwave.
Mixing By Hand:
If mixing by hand, use the back of a wooden spoon and beat your dough for two minutes before you add your eggs one by one, beating each addition well for a minute or two before adding the next. Gradually increase the tempo of your mixing, do pause if you begin to fatigue. The choux pastry should be thick, smooth and glossy. You should be able to dip your finger and get peaks as it shouldn’t be runny at all.
Using A Stand Mixer:
With paddle attachment in place, immediately start your mixer, set to speed 2 and allow your mix to beat for two minutes. The mixture will still be steaming (that’s okay it won’t cook your eggs; it assists with the how well the pate choux inflate) one by one add your eggs, letting each addition mix for a minute before adding the next, all the while gradually increasing the speed of your mixer. The choux pastry should be thick, smooth and glossy. You should be able to dip your finger and get peaks as it shouldn’t be runny at all.

Pastry Cream Ingredients
- 500ml Milk
- 2oz/62.5g Sugar, Granulated
- 2 Egg Yolks
- 1 Whole Egg
- 37.5g Cornstarch
- 62.5g Sugar
- 1oz Butter
- 1tsp Flavouring
- 5-7 Liberal Dashes Angostura Cocoa Bitters (more if desired)
- Combine the first quantity of sugar and milk together in a saucepan and bring just to a gentle boil.
- While the milk and sugar are brought to a boil combine the egg yolks, whole egg, cornstarch and remaining sugar to a bowl and whisk together until smooth.
- Temper the egg mixture by slowly beating in some of the hot milk with a wooden spoon.
- Add the egg mixture to the balance of milk and return to medium heat to bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
- Remove from the heat when the mixture comes to a boil and thickens. It should coat the back of your spoon.
- Spread the mix on a pre-prepped plastic wrapped tray to facilitate even cooling and allow the butter to melt, distributing it well to prevent scabbing.
- Seal with plastic wrap, pressing the wrap unto the warm pastry cream to ensure there are no bubbles or places where steam can build and form water.
- Refrigerate/chill immediately for approximately 2-3 hours. The pastry cream can be placed in the freezer for the first 45 minutes to induce rapid cooling then transferred to the refrigerator to continue chilling without freezing.
- Remove chilled pastry cream from chiller and whip in the flavouring and Angostura Cocoa Bitters.
- Return to chiller until needed.

Chocolate Ganache Ingredients
- 225g Dark Chocolate/ Semi-Sweet Chocolate
- 225ml Heavy Cream
- 5-7 Liberal Dashes Angostura Cocoa Bitters (more if desired)
- Place the chocolate chips in a bowl or chop the chocolate into small pieces and add to bowl.
- Bring the cream to a gentle boil, stirring constantly to prevent burning.
- Pour the warmed cream onto the chocolate and let stand for 2-3 minutes.
- Add Angostura Cocoa Bitters to mixture.
- Gently whisk the cream and chocolate together until the ganache is completely melted and smooth.
- Use as needed.
NB: If heavy cream is unavailable, use 50% less in full cream milk. If a thicker consistency is desired stir warmed milk in in small increments until you achieve your desired thickness.